Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Mismeasure of Women Article Response

I liked this article, I had some agreements and some disagreements. But I wouldn't like to read it again, because I usually get very heated when thinking about racial/gender discrimination, and that kind of anger ain't so good.

~A) The article, in the most basic terms, was about how women have suffered in and out of the workplace because of the position they have been placed in the minds of others. They are looked down upon and considered lower than men in the most obvious ways, even though people surprisingly don't see that. And even in journalism are they looked down on, which surprised me.

~B) Apparently, there is discrimination in the journalism workplace, but of course there is a sense in every job a woman gets because of their reduced pay. But it's obvious that women are just as good as men in the sense that they can work. I mean, our journalism class is composed of women only. How cool is that? As a plus, I think that its really cool that a journalist can write an article about gender discrimination. Most people don't even think about how racist the world is and they all just let it slide, like I usually do. So it's good to know that you don't have to choke down vulgar comments about your feminism like a horse pill. This article does encourage women to fight for their rights in a sense. Which is what I liked about it.

~C) However, I do wonder about some of the writer's comments and what she really meant about them. Most of the comments at the end about how women see things differently were vague and ambiguous. And also, how long is it going to take, really, for people to stop looking down on others and just admit they are equal? I just wrote an essay on this today too, wow how relevant. But I already know, that it'll never happen because the world isn't perfect and to strive for equality is to strive for perfection.


  1. Wow Angie, I love your speculations!
    I agree to an extreme that striving for equality is striving for perfection. The world will never fully reach all-acceptance, just like the world will never really be at peace. There will always be at least one person who doesn't agree- one person who will go against the flow and disrupt what people are reaching for.

  2. First off, I just want to say I loved it when you were talking about how you get heated when thinking about racial/gender discrimination, and said, "that anger ain't so good." That just made me smile.
    I diffidently agree with you when you said that most people don't even think about how racist the world is and how they just ignore it. If more people would just wake up and realize the wrongs they have committed, than they would learn from them and stop making them.

  3. Yes! isn't it amazing how "ignorance is bliss" fits the people in our society so well? "Hear no evil, see no evil" comes to mind as well. It's like as long as the people themselves aren't the ones being racist or sexist, or at least not too much, then they are doin' alright and can just roll with it. When will they realize that problems need people to fix them?

  4. I thought the same thing as Gabby about how striving for equality is striving for perfection. That totally hit the nail on the head.
    I wasn't really surprised about discrimination in journalism, though. It seems that any career in mass media is a man's field...just watch the movie Anchorman.

  5. I agree that it's really cool that we have an all-girl journalism class, and to look at to look around the classroom everyday we are working out tails off. No one is browsing the internet, checking emails, or doing other homework, we buckle down and get to work.

  6. Yes! We do! And so far we have a pretty kick-arse paper!! No men (besides Mr Ayer haha) involved at all!

  7. Just checking in Angela - great first post!
    Mr. A

  8. I agree with everything you said.
    I think the sexist comments toward women should stop. asap. haha and I like your post, it got to the point.

  9. I agree that author was vague at the end, but I also agree with what I think she was saying. As much as people strive for equality, the truth is that people will never be equal. There are differences in everyone. Some people are more skilled than others, some more beautiful, and some that are better at communicating their points. However, what I believe the author was saying was that these differences shouldn't be ignored, but that instead of making judgements about superficial things (such as being a woman), people should look at the character differences when deciding how to treat a person.

  10. I agree. Juliette. It would be so amazing if people could stop judging each other so much based on the outside and superficial qualities and just realize that everyone is created differently and they're amazing and unique in their own way.
